Sunday, May 24, 2020
Analysis Of Walt Disney s Disney Essay - 1217 Words
The Disney is huge animation company and their films are an enormous part of the entertainment industry in the whole world. They influence all kinds of people, from children to adults. Also, Disney was created over 90 years ago, and till this very day its most entertaining animation company. Throughout period of time, they have played a tremendous role in how society displays gender roles. As Janet Wasko explains: â€Å"Disney provides an opportunity to analyse an entire popular cultural phenomenon from various perspectives [†¦]†(Wasko, 2001). As modern culture goes through many changes, Disney has also been in major changes in the way they represent their characters, especially females. Disney was created by a man known as Walt Disney, this man changed the look of fairy tales like never before. There are many questions left that Walt Disney in his animation tried to represent himself as prince on a white horse and show off what princes should be even in real life. Marc Eliot proves this theory in his book of Walt Disney’s biography: â€Å"He breathed her perfume and felt her dress brush lightly across his trousers. Without thinking, he kissed her on the back of her neck. [†¦] The next day Walt proposed, Lillian accepted, and they immediately set a date†(Eliot, 1994). His life story might even remind of a fairy tale itself with â€Å"happily ever after†ending. Nevertheless, he saw enchanting beauty in every animation he had created with his group of artist. Recreating many fairy talesShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Walt Disney s The Disney Company1126 Words  | 5 PagesThe Walt Disney Company Walt and Roy Disney founded the Walt Disney Company on October 16 of 1923, as the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio. Established leader in the American animation industry that began with the Creation of Mickey Mouse; today, the Walt Disney Company is a diversified worldwide entertainment company. The company is the largest media conglomerate in the world and represents a collection of brands includes ESPN, ABC, Pixar and Marvel. The Walt Disney Company has different divisions:Read MoreAnalysis Of Walt Disney s Disney 1575 Words  | 7 PagesWalt Disney Thesis: Many of us enjoy Disney movies and theme parks, but not many of us know the story and life of Walt Disney himself. I.Early Life Birth Dec. 5, 1901, Chicago, Illinois Fourth Child Childhood 1. Loved drawing animals 2. Had Siblings 3. Moved Often C. Teenagehood School 2. World War I Red Cross Ambulance Corps II. Career Education Apprentice Cartoon Classes Jobs Paper Boy Film Ad Company Laugh-O-Gram Films, Inc. StudioRead MoreAnalysis Of Walt Disney s Disney 2028 Words  | 9 Pagesword ‘Disney’, most people would automatically think of Mickey Mouse, Peter Pan, and all of the beloved characters that we’ve grown up with and grown fond of, right? Hollywood’s best known studio, Walt Disney Animation, wasn’t always a billion-dollar organization, but still, after almost 100 years, manages to capture the hearts and captivate the eyes of the world. In this expository essay, I will explain how Disney began, how it grew, and how it still manages to affect the world, even after Walt Disney’sRead MoreAnalysis Of Walt Disney s Magical Disney 1414 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Magical Disney†Can there be a world without Walt Disney? The answer is no, because he has transformed the way of the television and theme park industry that consists in our world today. Walt also brought great teachings and inspirations such as the ability to dream. Walt said,†If you can dream it you can do it. Walt Disney is a wonderful and patriotic man who had a wonderful and happy life doing what he loves, making other s dreams come true. First who is Walt Disney and how didRead MoreAnalysis Of Walt Disney s Transformational Leadership1726 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The purpose of this paper is to act as a consulting analysis on how Walt Disney utilized his transformational leadership and brought to the world one of the most famous entertainment companies in the 20th century. Transformational leaders provide extraordinary motivation by appealing to people’s ideals and values and inspiring them to think about issues in new ways. It begins with a vision and the leader embeds that vision into others through encouragement, enthusiasm and motivationRead MoreAnalysis Of Walt Disney s The Great Gatsby 1660 Words  | 7 PagesThis is the man who created the happiest place on earth. This.Is. Walt. Disney *que cartoon* Walt Disney’s Steamboat Willie, the first of many other Mickey Mouse cartoons, was a great hit all over the world. But it took a difficult and long journey to be where his legacy is today. Lets look back to where it all began†¦. Walter Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. His parents were Elias and Flora Disney. He was born into the family with three siblings: Herbert, RaymondRead MoreAnalysis Of Walt Disney s Lala Land 1734 Words  | 7 PagesGrowing up watching Disney movies, I’m sure you though one day your prince charming was going to show up at your door and sweep you off your feet and you would live happily ever after. Walt Disney lived in â€Å"LALA LAND†. Let’s be real here, everyone has to kiss at least one toad in their life, and If you are like me, no one ever sat you down and instructed you on how to choose a life partner or even gave you an idea how love works. Everyone falls in love differently. No two love stories are ever theRead MoreAnalysis Of Walt Disney s Public Limited Company1262 Words  | 6 PagesWalt Disney Public Limited Company 4.5 Detailed explanation of ratios and detail analysis of the company Liquidity ratio is consists of current and acid ratio. It is used to assess firm’s ability to its short-term debts. It does not count about profit but working capital, which is important to ability of paying its short-term debt of the business. Current Ratio analysis Current Ratio is used by business to compare its current liability with current assets. Preferable current ratio is advised toRead MoreAnalysis Of Walt Disney s The Happiest Place On Earth 1159 Words  | 5 Pages The Legend A man by the name of Walt Disney, is the ideal symbol of an American hero. Disney is known to bring inspiration and imagination into many of his productions. Disneyland, the happiest place on earth, was built by Disney in the late forties. As the founder of Walt Disney Company, and a producer, he has collected a record of fifty- nine nominations as an Academy Award winner, winning thirty-two awards, and still holding the record. At sixty-five, Disney died of lung cancer, leaving behindRead MoreAnalysis Of Walt Disney s If You Can Dream It902 Words  | 4 PagesWalt Disney, â€Å"If you can dream it, you can do it.†Who was he? Well he was an American business magnate, cartoonist, animator, voice actor, and film producer. He is also regarded as the culture icon, who shaped America’s entertainment and animation industry. Walt Disney is the reason why my childhood was filled with happiness, because he created my favorite cartoon characters that I still love to watch to this day. To better understand who Walt Disney was I will be talking about problems that he
Monday, May 18, 2020
Environmental Design - 1033 Words
Jesse Rosenfeld 159 462 Environmental Systems Assignment 2 Ideas Competition â€Å"Submit a proposal of you ideas that explore innovation, sustainability and pragmatics†The Faculty of Architecture Building amp; Planning is being uprooted and relocated to allow the demolition of the current building. In this assignment I am not going to discuss the potential green, eco friendly, sustainability aspects that could be incorporated into the new building, rather focus on the possibilities that are created when a facility of this magnitude is dispersed. There are hundreds of people affected by this large-scale event. All the offices, tutorial rooms, computer labs, library and lecture auditoriums now need to be†¦show more content†¦Used shipping containers are a perfect recyclable ready-made structure. All that is needed is a solid foundation for the containers to be assembled on and then it is a very quick building operation. They are a readily available building resource. The average container life is 2-3years before it is liquidated for newer leased models. They are also incredibly cheap, $1500-$2000 is an average price paid for a used container. For an approximate 24m2 area (size of 40ft container) to be built for that price before fixtures and fittings is unobtainable using conventional building methods. The containers themselves are built to resist the ferocious environment of the world’s oceans making them perfect land-based building blocks. The thick tubular steel frames are designed to carry up to 20 tons. Quick assembly of ready-made containers. The 40foot long rectangular shape of a shipping container is perfect for offices, tutorial rooms, computer labs and ideal of student accommodation. See images below. Computer labs within container. The entire computer infrastructure will need to be relocated during that time including the library, not to mention the desks and chairs, all the internal fittings, these would be perfect for use in the container building. Then when the container buildings are internally remodeled to create student accommodation each unit could be comeShow MoreRelatedThe Energy And Environmental Design System Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pages INTRODUCTION In reaction to our current global environmental crisis, the idea of eliminating negative environmental impacts attracts environmental policy makers and markets to sustainable or green design. As a result, a variety of industries have adopted sustainable design, including consumer goods, fashion, landscape design and architecture to meld striking design and function. However, the realm of architecture exhibits a unique challenge to sustainability. Construction projectsRead MoreThe Energy And Environmental Design System2055 Words  | 9 PagesIn reaction to our current global environmental crisis, the idea of eliminating negative environmental impacts attracts environmental policy makers and markets to sustainable or green design. As a result, a variety of industries have adopted sustainable design, including consumer goods, fashion, landscape design and architecture to meld striking design and function. However, the realm of architecture exhibits a unique challenge to sustainabilit y. Construction projects generally utilize large amountsRead MoreThe Impact Of Environmental Sustainability On The Architecture And Context Of City Planning, Building Design And Materials2121 Words  | 9 Pagesfuture generations to meet their own needs (1, 2). Figure 1-Sustainable development: the interaction of social Environmental and Economic factors (3) The purpose of the report inspired by the above statement made on the Brundtland Report, 1987, is to link the concept of environmental sustainability to architecture and in particular in the context of city planning, building design and materials. The topic was chosen by the author as is in direct relation with his discipline of Civil and structuralRead MoreEnvironmental Design Group As A Engineer1283 Words  | 6 PagesOver the past five month I have worked at environmental design group as a surveyor under Bob Warner who is a licensed professional surveyor and also a principal of Environmental Design Group. When I first was applying for the job I was not planning on doing surveying simply because it was not one of my interest in the engineering field. However over the time spent at Environmental Design Group doing surveying I have learned a lot under Bob. Most of my tasks were for Dominion Gas. To start I wasRead MoreHistory Of Architectural And Environmental Design1179 Words  | 5 Pages Faculty of Engineering and Technology Department of Architectural and Environmental Design History of Architecture II PhD Shaimaa Ashour 7TH Week Research Presented By: Salahef El Ninja Esraa Mohamed 15104551 Menna t-Allah Saeed 15104468 Omnia Sami 15105613 Mohamed Tariq 15105446 Omar Imam 15104432 The Holy Virgin Church in Harat Zuwayla Forms and Symbolism: Manifestation of Christian Beliefs in Art and Architecture Read MoreCrime Prevention Through Environmental Design1321 Words  | 6 Pagesthese facilities. According to Atlas (2008), Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a multidisciplinary approach to prevent criminal behavior through environmental design. CPTED strategies have been created to rely on their ability to influence offender’s decision that precedes criminal acts. Because of this, a thoughtful environmental design is an approach to problem-solving that takes into account the environmental conditions and the opportunities they offer for criminal behaviorRead MoreCrime Prevention Through Environmental Design1191 Words  | 5 PagesCrime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) alters the location or the physical design in an area to prevent or minimizes crimes in the area. The idea of crime prevention through environmental design was influenced out of Oscar Newman’s 1972 concept of defensible spaces. Defensible spaces goal is to prevent crime through a physical expression of social fabric and this defends itself. Residents like the a ppearance and design of the area and therefore they care more about it and what happensRead MoreCrime Prevention Through Environmental Design857 Words  | 4 PagesCPTED and COP Revision CTPED or Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design is defined as â€Å"The prevention strategy which outlines how the physical environments can be designed in order to lessen the opportunity for crime.†(Queensland Police Department.) CPTED not only is defined by this definition, but it focuses on four more characteristics that help to make this design work effectively, and smoothly. These four characteristics are: maximizing the risk that offenders face, maximizing the effortRead MoreCrime Prevention Through Environmental Design1923 Words  | 8 Pagesmajor I have learned about many topics that are also covered in our texts that I can elaborate on. Although I did not read the Assigned text cover to cover and I am not sure if it was mentioned, I know the topic of crime prevention through environmental design was discussed in class. And to tie that together with the syllabus I will talk about the criminal justice leader who designed that theory along with the broken wi ndows theory. All of this of course is only important as we can relate it to howRead MoreThe And Environmental Design Of The Td West Tower1997 Words  | 8 PagesMaintenance program. [1] Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a building certification system that awards green building design and practices. It has various levels of certification within various categories. The TD West Tower’s certification falls under the Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance category. Its requirements map out operations and implementations to be set out to increase sustainability and reduce environmental impacts through its lifetime. [2] The point system
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Earning Management Is It Good or Not - 1167 Words
Earning management is good or not? Introdcution This essay is to examine whether earning management is it good or bad. Though there is so many debate about whether it should be accepted to be good rather than bad, however, this essay will explain the both side of earnings management. Earnings management reduces the quality of financial reporting, it can interfere with the resource allocation in the economy and can bring adverse consequences to the financial market. This essay analyses both, causes and motives of earnings management as well as possible remedies. Therefore, it is not surprising that market participants, legislators, regulators, and academics are concerned with the need to control financial reporting abuses. The†¦show more content†¦Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that earnings restatement firms can be characterized as firms who knowingly and intentionally engaged in earnings manipulation. Financial Reporting Perspective Based on Hanna (1999) article in CA magazine review, important point to get across from this article is that management is tempted to provide excessive unusual, non-recurring and extraordinary charges, to put future earnings in the bank. Furthermore, these future earnings are buried in operations. This makes it difficult for investors to diagnose the reasons for subsequent earnings increases. Investors and analysts look to core earnings, ignoring extraordinary and non-recurring items Implies manager not penalized for non-core charges, such as write-downs, provisions for restructuring. But current non-core charges increase core earnings in future years, through lower amortization and absorption of future costs. As a result, managers tempted to ―overdose on non-core charges, thereby putting earnings ―in the bank also called cookie jar accounting. Conclusions The concept of the earnings management is difficult to define and very subjective to decide. I believe that earnings management not only due to violation of GAAP but also aggressively choose GAAP method that are considered as earnings management. This broad definition may discourage earnings management and benefitShow MoreRelatedEarning Management1159 Words  | 5 PagesEarning management is good or not? Introdcution This essay is to examine whether earning management is it good or bad. Though there is so many debate about whether it should be accepted to be good rather than bad, however, this essay will explain the both side of earnings management. Earnings management reduces the quality of financial reporting, it can interfere with the resource allocation in the economy and can bring adverse consequences to the financial market. This essay analyses both, causesRead MoreSatyam Scandal1623 Words  | 7 PagesSATYAM SCANDAL I. Analyze the case and respond to the following questions: (a) Discuss the earnings management techniques employed by the management of Satyam. In this case of Satyam, I can conclude that the obvious technique employed by the said management are: 1. â€Å"Big Bet on The Future†. When an acquisition occurs, the company acquiring the other is said to have made a big bet on the future. As refer to this case, Ramalingam Raju the Chairman of Satyam Computer Services LtdRead MoreEarnings Management Essay1007 Words  | 5 Pagesevidences of managers manipulating the earnings for various reasons. â€Å"Earnings management is the choice by a manager of accounting policies, or real actions, affecting earnings so as to achieve some specific reported earnings objective†(Scott, 2012, p. 423). Managers play an important role in the company because they have control over the accounting policies, thus, the managers can manipulate the income. There are different viewpoints about earnings management. Some people think it will protectRead MoreFar 600 Case Study-Jim Essay754 Words  | 4 Pageswhich is to accelerate the production and shipment of a large order to Imperial, in my opinion Jim proposal is a good earning management because under literature, Scott 2000, state that there are two type of efficient earning management and opportunistic earning management. While for this proposal it falls under efficient earning management. This is because Jim is trying to improve earnings informativeness in communicating private information. Jim is trying to accelerate the production and shipmentRead MoreThe Relationship Between Accounting Responsibility Of Real Earnings Management1036 Words  | 5 PagesHence, the negative impacts of earnings management and accusing earnings management as one of the main reason of last decade financial scandals have forced accounting setters and financial regulators to provide solutions and initiatives for hindering earnings management. However, most of the attempts have failed, since earnings managements researchers found that managers still can achieve their earnings management objectives, through manipulating real activities. So it is more useful to examine theRead MoreMidterm Exam Accounting 598 Part 11 464 Words  | 6 PagesPart 1 1. Earnings management issues are a primary focus of the SEC. 1a. One potential goal of earnings management is income smoothing. Briefly discuss why income smoothing might be a goal of management, including a discussion of incentives to smooth income. What techniques might be used to accomplish income smoothing beyond the selection of depreciation and inventory costing alternatives? Understandably, there are a variety of ways in which a company can manage their earnings, and if accomplishedRead MoreEssay on Ethics of Earnings Management784 Words  | 4 PagesI enjoyed the conversation on GAAP and earnings management relating to the case â€Å"Be Careful What You Wish For: From the Middle†. The conversation was brief, but got me thinking on the ethics of earnings management. GAAP accounting is to reflect in good faith the company’s actual financial status and present reality as is. It is not to present a manipulated set of numbers that paint a pretty picture. GAAP requires recording of revenue when there is persuasive evidence of an arrangement, assuranceRead MoreFraud Cases have Put Earnings Management back in the Spotlight778 Words  | 3 PagesDechow, 1995, Healy and Wahlen, 1999). Although earnings management is not a new phenomenon, the emerging of the fraud cases such as Enron, Lehman Brothers, and other instances of financial fraud have again put this topic in the spotlight. Emerging concerns over earnings management have led to new disclosure requirements and the implementation of corporate good governance codes such as the Sarabanes Oxly Act (SOX), tabaksblat and other corporate good governance codes to reduce this phenomenon withinRead MoreFnt1 Memo Example1345 Words  | 6 Pages|Sound Investment, Inc.| Memo To: Brian Little, President/CEO of Durable Home Goods From: , President/CEO Sound Investment, Inc. Date: 6/25/2011 Re: Durable Home Goods Brian, Attached you will find my analysis of Durable Home Goods (DHG) for fiscal year 11 and my insights on some of your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to drive topline sales in 2012. Current Ratio The current ratio is an indication of a company’s ability to pay current liabilities with current assets. The formulaRead MoreLilly s Long Term Debt Ratio1496 Words  | 6 Pagesto be good, its total debt-to-equity ratio, which is much more comprehensive, is above the reasonable limit and indicates that the firm has more debt than equity. Thus, weakening its long-term financial position. Summary of Firm-level Inherent Risks The following factors could either increase or decrease firm-level inherent risks for Lilly’s 2011 audit: †¢ A fall in earnings and other key statistics such as ROA, ROE and Gross Profit Margin generally increases inherent risk due to management incentives
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Writing Is The Painting Of The Voice ( Penny, 2013 )
Voltaire once said, â€Å"writing is the painting of the voice (Penny, 2013).†That was over 300 years ago, and this has still not changed. Writers and authors use words to express the art that is in their minds. In my future career, I want to be able to have complete authority over what I contribute to my chosen career and the world around me. I also want to be able to express myself. Writing is something that I have always enjoyed doing. Writing is personal and therapeutic, and it is also something I have authority over. I chose to research a career in writing because to make a career out of contributing my thoughts to others in a form of writing would be ideal to me. Although often overlooked, the career of a writer or author is an essential asset to the artistic world. They produce raw creativity and unique storylines behind many forms of entertainment that are included in our day-to-day lives. To better understand the career of a writer or author, one should take a look a t the basics, location, work environments, wages, benefits, required education and skills, outlook and a personal reflection from someone who has researched the career. Writers and authors are individuals who make a career out of utilizing their superb writing skills to communicate ideas and information to others. To do this, writers use various media forms including: magazines, newspapers, online publications and books. There are many duties and responsibilities that go along with this career. As mentioned
College Life Unfolded Free Essays
Many students who graduated in high school are so eager In entering the portals of college life. They think that college is more on good times, more on easy and free from stresses tasks and more. But college Is the exact opposite of what are mentioned. We will write a custom essay sample on College Life Unfolded or any similar topic only for you Order Now Instead of happy moments, college Is full of pressure and tormenting tasks because at this point In time, you are being equipped with the necessary competencies needed in the field of specialization you have chosen. College students have to mingle with great deal of stress. And, as a college student, this is what I am experiencing right now. After graduating in high school, I really had this Jolt of excitement in entering college. I had these great expectations that more enjoyable scenes will come into my way. I am excited to meet new people, as well as experience its new atmosphere. On my first week as a first year college student, I can say that It was not that difficult. My teachers are tackling the topics we discussed before In high school and I found It quite manageable. Then, as days go by, I realized that we are Just given time to prepare ourselves for more complex and difficult situations. Things are clear to me now, what I am experiencing right now is not the college I have pictured before. New people mean getting along with terror teachers. I came to the point where I really had to weigh things. It is really challenging to choose which among your priorities should be done first. I have to be careful in managing my schedule because a tiny error may destroy everything. It is really stressful to Imagine that everyday I have tons of paper works to do before going to sleep. Oftentimes, I forgot to eat my food when I got home because I have to flash all of my assignments. What adds to the stress Is that It seems Like one day Is not enough to flash all of these paper works. I was not able to sleep early, or If I do, I need to wake up in wee hours of morning to do the activities I was not able to do at night. Most of the times, college students’ health were put at risk because of these. I also experienced this scenario where I was not able to attend our family gathering because I need to practice for our presentation. My parents get mad at me whenever I go to somewhere places even though I have no classes. I can’t help doing household chores because I need to study for my report. It is really difficult to do your responsibilities at home and at school at the same time. Enjoying and bonding with friends, In college, Is Like walking on the road full of stones and gravels with thorns and thistles. I have a little time In enjoying different extracurricular actively. Though, the school has many actively for students, I still have difficulty in enjoying all of those because what’s in my mind is the submission of activities because of the fear that if I do, I will get a failing grade. Most of the times, I feel like I am socially isolated because of my overlapping schedules. Being unable to et their expectations bugs me most of the time. As a college student, I often left with no time to myself because of school works. No time to fix yourself well because you are really pressured on accomplishing your tasks. College is not a place where we can do what we want to do easily. College life is not as easy as what we think. We have to warm ourselves up first so that we will not get flabbergasted when storms of school works arrive. Tertiary level is the most critical stage of learning. At this point, training is more intense and learning is more complex. You have to get along with what this stage has rendered because it will help o a lot in industry exposure. College has lots of benefits to give. It develops our confidence in facing different kinds of people. It also teaches us to be self-directed, to learn things by our own. It makes us more mature in facing the different obstacles in life. College has many rewards to give as long as you will not get burnt out on the events soon to arrive on your way. It may be difficult but on the other side, it is worth our efforts. It is Just a matter of being patient enough. Also, always ask God to give you the strength and skills in accomplishing all of the tasks given to you. How to cite College Life Unfolded, Essays
Samsung Galaxy Target Market Strategy & Segmentation - Free Sample
Question: Discuss about the Report for Samsung Galaxy Market Analysis. Answer: Introduction The market analysis is one of the fundamental aspects of the startup on any marketing strategy. Appropriate execution of the market analysis gives the company a clear roadmap for the implementation of its strategy(Goi, 2009, p. 3). Additionally, an outstanding market analysis will enable the company to attract new investors, overcome the challenges in the environment of the business and as well attract a new pool of customers(English, 2001, p. 22). This paper aims to carry out the market analysis of Samsung Galaxy Company. To address this aspect, the paper focuses on the companys marketing scope and objectives. Industry Market Overview The smartphone industry is dominated by the variety of the industry players. This is because Android operating system is open to new entrants who may be willing and have the potential to enter the industry. This calls for the existing players in the industry to establish robust marketing strategies to compete successfully with new entrants as well as among themselves. The key leaders in this industry include Motorola Solutions Inc. LG Electronics, Apple Inc., and Samsung Electronics. Samsung Galaxy Market Analysis For many decades Samsung has been a global leader in mobile phone market. This success is attributable to the company cost saving mechanisms as well as provision of unique products to its customers(Bhasin, 2016). This has helped in placing the company in the leading position in the industry of smartphone. Additionally, the demand for the company products has increased with the majority of the consumers of the company products being the population group aged between fourteen and forty-nine years. The demand for the company products in the market is determined by the consumer spending, product price as well as success and timing of introducing the new product into the market. However, the customers have been arguing for the highly quality products at cheap cost. This becomes difficult because of the costly components used to manufacture the smartphones. Market Analysis Scope For an extensive and comprehensive exploration of the Samsung marketing analysis, this paper focuses on the principles of marketing applied by the company. This area of scope has enabled the company to attain effective and sustainable competitive advantage. Some of the aspects that have facilitated the continued prosperity of Samsung Galaxy are as discussed below: Market Segmentation Segmentation of the market for any organization is very vital as it helps the company to design the product as the preferences of the target market(Ali Talwar, 2013, p. 24). Market segmentation is the process whereby the company thrives on having a clear knowledge of its target market(Tynan, et al., 2010, p. 1159). The segmentation process helps the company in meeting satisfactory the demands of the target customers. For Samsung, marketing segmentation has been faced on the various variables such as behavioral, psychographic, demographic and geographic segmentation. Geographic Segmentation: Samsung targets the customers both in the domestic and in the foreign markets. To perfect its marketing strategies the company adopts different strategies for different regions. For example, to attract more customers in the target market of India, the company created a keyboard with nine Indian languages(Author, 2014). Demographic Segmentation: demographic segmentation entails designing the products according to the tests and preferences of the various age brackets within the population(Vallaster, et al., 2012, p. 38). Samsung has effectively and successfully adopted this technique by coming up with the different brands of products for different members in the target market. For example, it was the first company to come up with mini, mega and zoom aspect in the marketing of mobile(Author, 2014). Psychographic segmentation: This segmentation technique involves the use of common traits such as personality and lifestyle among the target market customers. Samsung Galaxy targets the customers of the high lifestyle and that it way it manufactures high quality as well as expensive smartphones. Behavioral Segmentation: This aspect of marketing targets the customers who portray similar behavior. For example, Samsung Galaxy targets the behavior of the customers during festive seasons when they are likely to spend on the purchase of the smartphones as the gifts to their loved ones. Target Market Samsung targets a variety of the customers ranging from the daily consumers of the company products to the businesses(Essay UK, 2016). The key target group in the population are the consumers within the age bracket of fourteen to fifty years or even order. However, teenagers, as well as young adults, are appealed by the company products and thus the company also targets the youths between the ages of fourteen to twenty years. It is crucial to note that the age group ranging from twenty-six years to fifty years form the largesttarget market (Bhasin, 2016). The reason behind Samsung Galaxy targeting this group, it is because the marketing trends portrayed this group as having more purchasing power. Samsung Galaxy Market Analysis Aim Market analysis is a very critical aspect as it helps the organizations to understand the trends in the market(Allen Fjermestad, 2001, p. 17). Aftermarket evaluation the company comes up with strategies which it can adopt to take advantage of the opportunities in the market. Besides, it helps the company to strategize to overcome the ineffectiveness in its marketing techniques(Mller, 2006, p. 445). Similarly, Samsung Galaxy has realized the importance of market analysis and time to time carries out market analysis to review its strategies whether they are in line with the trends in the market. Through market analysis, Samsung has been able to come up with the specific strategies such as targeting various segments of the target market. Alternatively, marketing analysis has enabled the company to design to design different products for its customers. Conclusion Market analysis is a very fundamental aspect of any aspect irrespective of the size or nature of the business. It through the analysis of the market whereby the company manages to establish competitive advantage strategies. This is well evident in the scenario of the Samsung Galaxy. Through market analysis, this company has been able to identify various opportunities in the market which in turn it has used to build its competitive advantage. Alternatively, the company has been able to outperform its key competitors such as Apple Inc. and LG Electronics Inc. by the use of the market analysis strategy. References Ali, H. Talwar, V., 2013. Principles of Marketing, London: University of London. Allen, E. Fjermestad, J., 2001. E-Commerce Marketing Strategies: An Integrated Framework and Case Analysis. Logistics Information Management, 4(1), pp. 14-23. Author, G., 2014. Samsung's Strategy for the mobile market segment. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 September 2016]. Bhasin, H., 2016. Marketing mix of Samsung Galaxy. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 September 2016]. English, J., 2001. The Four Ps of Marketing are Dead. Marketing Health Services Journal, 20(2), pp. 20-23. Essay UK, 2016. Samsung's Target Market. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 September 2016]. Goi, C. L., 2009. A Review of Marketing Mix: 4Ps or More?. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 1(1), pp. 2-14. Mller, K., 2006. The Marketing Mix Revisited: Towards the 21st Century Marketing by E. Constantinides. Journal of Marketing Management, 22(3), pp. 439-450. Tynan, C., McKechnie, S. Chhuon, C., 2010. Co-creating value for luxury brands.' Journal of Business Research, 6(3), p. 115666. Vallaster, C., Lindgren , . A. Maon , . F., 2012. Strategically leveraging corporate social responsibility: a corporate branding perspective'. California Management Review, 54(3), pp. 34-60.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Interview Essay Example For Students
Interview Essay aBrian Festa10-23-00Midterm Assignment Mon. 12:20-3:00For my interview, I interviewed a woman by the name of Mrs. Miskell. She is a close family friend and also teaches at the elementary school that I used to attend. Mrs. Miskell has been teaching for fifteen years. She has a class of 21 including 2 special education children who are mainstreamed into her class for a few areas of study. She team-teaches one day a week with the remedial math teacher, and one day a week with the remedial reading teacher. Her children switch classes with one other class for social studies and science. In this interview, I covered her views on special education and security in today’s schools. The first subject that I talked to her about was special education. She believes that special education students should be mainstreamed into the classrooms, with modifications if they were to get out of control. It has a lot of pluses, with minimal minuses. In her classroom, her children are learning to use sign language to communicate, because one of her special ed. students is deaf. She also has a mentally retarded child, and the â€Å"normal†children help Mrs. Miskell in the classroom with this student. They pretty much lead this student around the classroom when they have something to do. The children include her in everything, which makes her feel like she’s part of the group. Mrs. Miskell enjoys watching these two students interact with the rest of her class, because she can see that these two students feel so good about themselves. She can see that the rest of the class accepts them as people. I agree with Mrs. Miskell that special ed. students should be allowed into general education classes for part of the day. It is a really good idea to mainstream these children into a normal classroom situation. The special ed. students get a grasp of the normal world and what is right and wrong. They learn to interact socially with other people. There should be guidelines though, in regards to the special ed. student’s behavior. If they get out of control and disrupt the class, the student should be removed and not allowed back into the class for the remainder of the day. Allowing them to carry on in the classroom would only retard the other students and not allow them to learn. That is the way you have to look at that. If it’s not harming the normal student, then it is only benefiting greatly the special student. The second area that I talked to Mrs. Miskell about was security in the schools. She talked very in depth about the security procedures in her school. She told me about the formulated plan that the school enacted, where all visitors to the school have to stop into the main office and sign into a book and then they receive a special visitors badge, that they have to wear at all times while in the school. Another modification of this plan is that once all the children are into the school, all the doors are locked except the front door where the main office is located. If there is an emergency, the principal announces over the loudspeaker a special code that only the teachers know, so that the children don’t panic. If the students hear fire, they are all going to split a different way and that would lead to mayhem, which is very dangerous in an emergency situation. There is a safety team at every school in the district, and one representative from each team, sits on a district te am. These teams were made to get together and formulate plans of action when there are emergency situations. Mrs. Miskell explained to me that there is a safety officer in the school that she teaches at. This officer isn’t for security pursay, but more to get the children comfortable with a police officer. He could serve as security personnel if the matter arises. When asked if she felt safe teaching, she responded, â€Å"Yes, I feel real safe teaching in this school, but I don’t feel safe having a daughter in the middle school.†I then proceeded to ask her if she felt there was any other way’s to secure the building. She said that you could put metal detectors at all the doors or hire an actual security guard, but she didn’t feel that those precautions were necessary at this point. She said that she would rather see counselors trained in working with emotionally disturbed children worked into the schools then see metal detectors at the doors. .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28 , .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28 .postImageUrl , .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28 , .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28:hover , .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28:visited , .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28:active { border:0!important; } .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28:active , .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28 .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uedb3b6af1962be86d499f5ca0d6c1d28:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Experimental Aircraft Association: Analysis of a Discourse Community EssayAs a future teacher, I feel that security in schools is pretty good. It sounds like Mrs. Miskell feels very safe teaching and the school and school district are doing a good job with the rising security problems in schools today. If, I was teaching at this school I would also feel very safe. I really like the idea of a school safety team at each and every individual school in the district, and then a representative from every school comprising a district safety team. This makes comprising rules and regulations in regards to safety very easy. The idea of having a special code for emergencies is a very good idea also; the children don’t know what the code is, so they don’t panic. Locking all but the front door is a good idea too. I felt this interview was very informational. It gave me a very good insight into teaching. It excites me even more now, to get out of school and start teaching. Bibliography:
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