Monday, January 27, 2020
Standing Firm On The Word Of God Religion Essay
Standing Firm On The Word Of God Religion Essay Within life there are some things over which you have no control. They are the inevitable storms and adverse weather that life brings to us all. They are called seasons of struggle and times of testing. Our goal is not only to go through them but rather to grow through them by developing yourself and becoming a stronger, smart, and skilful person. Storms of Challenges in your life Thank God we have weather storms because, after they come and go, ever thing is brighter, fresher and clearer. Its the same in life, storms and wind may blow through your home, you may face many challenges, life becomes one big turmoil especially at a certain time of the month, you may become discourage by bad news, monthly bills, credit payment, letter from the bailiff, court prosecution; they can all bring anxiety, stress, frustration, depression, (Matt 14:31) Says you become fearful, your faith is weakens, and you doubt Gods Words. The thing is you will always have some sort of payment one way or the other to fork out each month. There is no immediate antidote to sort everything problem, but there is a place of calm, where the hustle and bustle of life challenges cant touch you. * Do you know that there are words in the Bible for every situation in your life?* When storms are blowing in your life you forget that Jesus is with you, you dont stand on His Word. (Matt 8:26) In spite of opposition and persecution, He promise us peace in the midst of suffering (Matt 14:27) He said be of good cheer, be not afraid. (Matthew 28:20) I am with you always, even to the end of the world Real Life Scenario: Before and after I came to Christ, I was a prisoner in my own home. I became frighten to answer the phone because by creditors would be asking for their money; I even went so far as to answer the take messages on my own behalf. When there was a knock at the door I would lower the volume on the television as not to be heard. It was only when I began to apply the scripture verses in my situation that I began to have peace. Look through the scripture for verses that talk about your situation, and speak them out, remind Jesus of his promise. Build a Foundation on the Rock (Word of God) During life there will be times when it may seam that there is an earthquake under you, attempting to shake your life, family and children as you go through one crisis after another (Matt 7: 24-27) Says build your house on the Rock which is the Word (Matthew 7:10) Jesus says A wise man built his house up a Rock, it did not fall, (Matthew 7:26) a foolish man build his house upon sand, flood, wind blew and beat upon it, and it fell and great was the fall of it. When your marriage is on the rocks, thats when you need to get on the Rocks and stand on Jesus and His Word. Build your life, marriage, and career, endeavours in and around the Word. Be careful of preachers, every preacher is not your Rock dont base youre life solely on them because there human beings, if they backslide your still built on the Rock (check what they say against the Scripture). Scenario: My pastor tells his congregation that he depends solely on God and not on his wife, and he advised her to do the same because he is only human. So build a solid foundation on the Rock (word of God), establish a personal relationship with God, and stay rooted in the Word of God, Spend time with God in Pray and in Meditation. He will disclose His thoughts, and help you to understand His word (Bible). Its not about believing, its about knowing God, when you know Him no one can shake your foundation. Fire of Challenges in Life Fiery troubles and challenges that rage around you are test and trials to strengthen you. Sometimes in life there will be a season when God will take you through a process where by He want to mature you, He may separate you from certain people around you, friends or even family, the enemy will be attacking you on all sides, and people may talk against you making falsely accused. There may be times when you feel totally isolated. (Isaiah 43:2) when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, neither shall the flame Kindle upon you, I will be with you. I will never leave you during your time of trial. (1 Peter 5-10) God will restore you, strengthen you, make you strong, and support you as you suffer for a little while) Conclusion We thank God for His goodness and mercies that continue to follow us each day. Regardless of the Storms and winds that blow through your home, earthquakes that attempt to shake your life, and the fires of challenges that rage around you. The Lord Jesus Christ has promised to see you through! So dont be shaken by what you see, simply focus on your Creator and you will have a brighter tomorrow, In Jesus name.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Reflection on Reading Essay
Looking Back In Order to Move Forward As a future elementary school teacher, I have always thought the task of teaching kids could be a rewarding and gratifying experience. However, I recently realized that in order to obtain these rewarding experiences the teacher and students must work hard and with determination. Learning to read can be a very daunting task for a youngster. Therefore, as a teacher, it is your job to facilitate positive reading strategies from the start. Looking back at my experiences as an early reader, I can gain some insight as to what might help or hinder my future students. I believe that one of the most important things you can do for your child is to start reading to them at an early age. Before I even became a school aged child my mother would sit on the couch with my brother and I just after lunch and read books. Sometimes it was a favorite book that we had picked and other times they were early reader books like Dick and Jane. I remember being snuggled up on the couch helping her point to the words as she read along. Then at bed time she would read aloud from a chapter book. My brother and I would eagerly open our minds to the words as they came off the page. Some of my fondest memories as a child are listening to my mother read Charlotte’s Web and Stuart Little to us. Since I consider reading to a child one the best ways to open their imagination to new worlds, I fully intend to different forms of literature into my classroom. I think by hearing an adult read aloud to a child, the child is then able to properly hear and feel the author’s intentions for tone and emotion of his or her book. I don’t think you are ever too old to sit and listen to a book, especially if you can open up a child’s mind to a book that he or she would never pick up on their own accord. I firmly believe that my mother laid the foundation for better success once I entered elementary school. My elementary school experience probably started out a little different than most kids. I lived in a little valley in East Napa County which currently has a population of 488. I sense that the population has stayed around 500 people since I was little. As I entered elementary school the class sizes were extremely small. In fact the school only had three classrooms total for grades kindergarten through eighth grade. My first teacher taught kindergarten through the 2nd grade all in one classroom, while 3rd-5th was taught in the second classroom and 6th-8th in the last classroom. I had 4 other students in kindergarten with me at the time, a girl and three boys. Some might think this to be the ideal situation because of the attention that each student would get. However, I felt the complete opposite. The teacher was constantly busy trying to make sure the curriculum for each grade level was being taught and there was very little time for students that were struggling. I remember being put into groups and given workbook pages with very little instruction or guidance as to what was expected. Many of the boys had trouble with this approach and needed more guidance to get started in their tasks. The teacher often mistook the fact that they did not fully comprehend what was expected of them on the workbook pages as disobedience, which often lead to punishment. In order to curb the potential for punishment, the students who excelled helped those who struggled. I don’t really think this environment is particularly beneficial to children in elementary school. However, there were some great things about this learning environment that I really enjoyed. My teacher loved to sing and play the guitar and brought her love into the classroom with her. Every morning we would get into a circle and sing songs with her. Some of the songs were just plain fun songs to sing, but many of the songs taught us letter sounds, and phonics. I remember loving circle time and singing the songs to my mom when I got home from school. I believe that music can play an important part in helping children learn to read, and even though I am not a singer or musician I intend to use music in my classroom to enhance my students learning atmosphere. I feel learning the phonics of letters through the rhythms of music truly helped me as I began to sit down with my first readers. As I began applying what I was learning in the songs to some basic basal readers like Dick and Jane I was able to find patterns between the phonics in the songs and the words on the page. We had books that were themed each week with certain phonic sounds. The sound was then repeated throughout the book but in different words. We were able to take these books home and practice with our parents. I think that practice and repetition are key in continuing to recognize letters with their phonic sounds. I feel these books served the purpose of achieving good reading skills for me as a child, and continue to be helpful to children today as they learn to read. There are two other techniques that my teacher used to help teach us how to read. One I consider to be a good strategy and the other I am not too fond of. The first approach was using a tape recorder and head sets. We would sit down with a book and follow along with our finger as a voice was reading the book to us in our ear. I think this particular approach works because it releases the anxiety and stress of having to pick apart the words on a page in order to learn them. By following along they are able to develop listening skills and hear the correct pronunciation of the word and associate it with the word on the page. After listening to the book, we were asked to answer a few questions about we had just listened, which gave us our first exposure to comprehension. I feel this method works fairly well but could be enhanced by taking five to ten minutes to ask the students questions out loud about what they had just listened to, so they get accustomed to forming thoughts and speaking about books. The last tactic that my teacher used I found a little repressive. She would sit us down on the floor with sock puppets and speak to us in baby voices. Each week the puppets would present a new constant and vowel sound to us. I remember feeling a little disturbed, and telling my mom that my teacher was trying to pretend like she was on Sesame Street. My mom reminded me that I did not take too kindly to the puppets, and that I found them rather babyish. In our text book, Mosaic of Thought, Ellin writes that too often we draw negative conclusions about a child’s ability to comprehend and think at high levels when the problem is his or her ability to articulate that thinking. I believe that my teacher really underestimated her student’s ability to learn by teaching them with sock puppets. In all actuality, it really was not necessarily the sock puppets that really came into question, but the baby voices in which she used. These baby voices simulated that of someone talking to a toddler who is beginning to learn to speak. I think as children enter elementary school they want to feel important and what they are learning is significant, but I feel my teacher imposed the opposite effect on her student. She devalued the process of learning by speaking in baby voices and using puppets. After a few years my mom began to see the affects the school was having on my brother and I, and she decided to drive us thirty minutes each way to an elementary school in a nearby town. This change in atmosphere did wonders for both my brother and I, but the change did not happen until I was entering the 3rd grade. Once at this new school a whole new world opened up to me. We began reading newspapers, and sharing articles that we had read with the class. We started writing book reports and began to question what we were reading. I think the best part of the new school was having a whole classroom of students that were in the same grade. We were often separated into groups based on our reading level in order to read and discuss what we were reading. This helped my confidence tremendously. However it was not until I was in high school that the teachers began to try and teach active reading strategies, by seeking out the meaning in books like Catcher in the Rye and a Wrinkle in Time. I struggled with these new concepts, and still do as an adult. I think I could have greatly benefitted from starting this process at a younger age. As a future teacher, and parent, I firmly believe that in order for a child to become an active reader, and really learn to love books we need to unlock their minds to all possible reading strategies. We must have them begin questioning books and theories early, so that they learn to be active readers. I also believe that students need a parent who is actively in tune with the child’s learning process. When a parent shows the student how important reading is and shows gratitude towards progress being made, the child will excel in his class work. I think as a future teacher I will use some of the tried and true strategies like listening stations, and bringing words alive with music and rhythm. However I will not be afraid to deviate from the norm and experiment beyond the workbook pages in order to connect with my students. One of my greatest joys is reading, and I hope one day I can bestow that upon young children.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Heathrow and Gatwick Essay
These results show that 70% of businesses believe the expansion will allow them to expand, even if it is only slightly. This will most likely be due to the increase in demand enabling them to expand due to higher profits, or expanding out of necessity to access the larger market and cope with it. For instance computerising the system they work on so the business managers can cope with the increase in customers, and employing people to look after it. The 40% of businesses who claimed a great amount of expansion is possible are most likely directly involved with the airport and only catering for customers ad employees using it. Those businesses that expansion will not be an option open to them as a result of the expansion; will be again those businesses whose customer base is not linked to that of the airport. Evaluation of Primary Research To summarise, it is important to notice that all businesses are going to be affected one way or another by the expansion on the airport, and therefore all have a vested interest in it. This effect may be one of a beneficial or problematic nature. With the huge increase of passengers and employees using the airport, demand for many of the businesses will be set to rise. However this increase in demand could be less favourable to profits because of the possible increase in competition, which will lead to an inevitable raise in human resource and marketing costs, to maintain their competitiveness. Also, the expansion of the airport itself is likely to result giving businesses the option to expand themselves, to cater for the increase in demand, and the new needs of consumers that the expansion will produce. I received answers from 10 businesses in and around the area of Stansted Airport. The range of businesses with which I made contact was varying in both type of business and location, however it is unlikely the situation of all business is represented in these results, and therefore the primary research is not something I can completely rely on when coming to a conclusion. Secondary Research This graph shows a clear rise in the amount of passengers for the next two decades, with actual numbers in 2005 reaching 228million. The growth rate is very steady with only a slight slump in the later 2020’s, however the rate of increase is still good. This is an obvious good sign as the increase in the size of the market through continuous market growth gives airlines a much larger customer base. This following graph goes back further and takes pinpoints reasons for more dramatic slumps that have occurred: The only noticeable declines or slowing down of growth are the results of specific crises, similar to and including the attack on the World Trade Centre. However the most noticeable point in decline, with the slowest return to the earlier rate of growth, is the Oil Crisis in 1973, which essentially resulted in huge inflation within the oil industry. With the evident effect that the oil industry has on the Air Travel industry it will be important to consider its current state and future prospects. This graph clearly shows a continuous increase in the price of oil for the next decade, with no apparent evidence that it will slow down. With this increase in oil prices the Airlines variable costs are bound to increase because of their oil usage. This increase in variable costs will most likely be covered by an increase in the airlines flight prices. This table shows the price elasticity of demand for both ‘business’ and ‘leisure’ flights and overall measure. From the results we can determine that the demand for flights overall is certainly price elastic, therefore the increase in price of flights will affect the airline’s sales, specifically in leisure travel. This is backed up also by the results of a poll stating that 78% of people consider the cost of travelling plays a part in how often they are able to visit close friends and family members abroad. However, business flights are inelastic, although sales will go down, they will not go down at a rate that would be too effective to their profits if prices were raised. Therefore Stansted should try and attract as much of the business market as possible. Another factor of cost increase to consider is the taxes put on air travel. The Government is trying the counter the current environmental problem by placing higher taxes on air travel therefore attempting to reduce the amount of flights. This tax is set to rise soon and again almost double in 2010, and probably carry on rising. This increase in tax is likely to be passed on to passengers, therefore adding even more onto the price, on top of the oil increases. The director of the Gatwick Diamond Business Association (GDBA) stated that â€Å"This expansion is looking at increasing capacity by 10m passengers a year and that is going to bring substantial changes, meaning they could attract more business trade. †This is obvious great news for Stansted, with the apparent price in elasticity of the business flights, and the increasing oil prices. He then went on to say the expansion will increase Stansted’s capacity by 10m a year and will therefore increase its competitiveness with Gatwick. For customers this will be beneficial as the airports and airlines may then drop their prices in order to be more competitive, and try to develop a strong sense of brand loyalty. This chart shows the distribution of passengers flying from different airports: It clearly shows that the London airports have a large majority of the market share and with the expansion of Stansted this is very likely to become even higher, with the increased amount of destinations. Evaluation of Secondary Research This research shows clearly that passenger numbers are expected to increase and that Stansted Airport’s market share is very likely to rise within the growing market for air travel, specifically with the South Eastern Airports having a large majority of the market share. This increase in passengers will bring a large increase of the amount of people going to and from the airport and requiring the different services to do so and be comfortable, therefore increasing demand for many different types of business in and around the Airport, specifically from passengers flying for business purposes. Expansion at Stansted will however only have these desired effects if the airlines manage to keep their prices down, as this is evidently a price elastic business within leisure fliers who make up a large proportion of their customers, and with the impending taxation and oil price rises they must find a way to avoid the rise in variable costs affecting their product prices too much. This is especially important as there is a lot of competition from rival airports in the same area, Heathrow and Gatwick.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Business Ethics. Bp Oil Disaster †“Deepwater Horizon Oil
Business Ethics BP Oil Disaster – â€Å"Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill†Thelma P. Eldridge Business Law – BUS 2301.88 Spring 2017 April 25, 2017 In today’s business world, businesses are subject to the laws of the country in which their company was organized and operates. Business owners are to conduct themselves and their affairs ethically and owe some degree of social responsibility for their actions. Ethics, although not law, is a set of moral principles or values that govern the conduct of an individual or a group (Cheeseman 132). Immanuel Kant, a well-known German Philosopher, believed the human mind creates the structure of human experience, that reason is the source of morality (Kant). He also believed that people owe moral†¦show more content†¦If not met or if the business fails to completely meet this responsibility, changes are usually implemented. These social responsibilities and many other ethical issues were realized by many people when on April 20, 2010 British Petroleum had a major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Also, known as the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, the BP Oil Disaster, the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill, or the Macondo Blowout. BP was mostly at fault, but Transocean, the rig operator, and Halliburton, the contractor, had some culpability as well. This oil spill was the worst in US history and could be seen from space. The United States Government estimated that it was approximately 4.9 million barrels (210 million gallons) that poured into the ocean. To this day, researchers and scientists are gathering data to try and understand the oil spill and the impact it’s had on the Gulf coast, it’s communities and marine life. 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