Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Communication Theories Paper Essay Example
Communication Theories Paper Essay Example Communication Theories Paper Essay Communication Theories Paper Essay Communication Theories Melody Lewis October 1, 2012 Com/ 310 During the past few weeks, we have learned about seven different theories. Each theory has explained how each theory compares to communication. They all are equal to each other in a certain way and sometimes generate with things that we do in our everyday life. The three theories that I will be talking about in my paper is the Relational Dialectics Theory, Social Exchange Theory, and the Organizational Information Theory. In my paper, I will give the definition to each and explain how I can relate to these theories. The relational dialectics theory is a concept within the communication theory. This concept could be interpreted as a knot of contradictions in personal relationships or an unceasing interplay between contrary or opposing tendencies(ask. com/communication theory). This theory explains how a relationship is formed between people that meet each other for the first time. When we meet people right off we might not have a connection with them right off, but once we get to know them a relationship is born. We can always let ourselves know if we like a person depending on the way the communication go. In my past relationships, I have always been the person with a voice. I could always express what I was thinking our wanted them to know. I think during my relationships the communication was effective in many ways. If we did not communicate our relationship goes nowhere. If I didn’t like something that was going on or something I did not like, I would let them know. One thing about me is that I don’t take anyone’s disrespect and I think that’s why the guys I dated didn’t last long. I think the communication in my past could have been better if they knew what to say. I am the type of person that doesn’t like a lot of lying and it’s hard to trust or believe people when they lie. I think in the future I can learn how to trust. I have a big issue with trusting my feelings to people. I know I can do better with that. The social exchange theory is a social psychological and sociological perspective that explains social change and stability as a process of negotiated exchanges between parties. Social exchange theory posits that all human relationships are formed by the use of a subjective cost-benefit analysis and the comparison of alternatives. When we think about this theory, we think about our relationships that we may have with family, friends, or a boyfriend or girlfriend. We have to think about the things that we would want out of that relationship and the things we can give back. When you think about the things that you can contribute to a relationship, you might set your standards a little high. When my relationship first started with my husband, I had just got out of a bad breakup. I had a guy that thought putting his hands on me and cursing me out was okay. We never really just fought because I’m not that type, but he tried to choke me. I would never let anyone put their hands on me, so when I meet my husband my guards were up. I told him that I didn’t want a relationship, but we could friends. After a while, we began to know each other and then some years later we got married. I think my problem was fear and I didn’t want him to know that I was in a relationship where the guy didn’t respect me. I have become a better person, because I open up my feelings to my husband and I let him know just what I feel. If he does something that I don’t like I will let him know. He always thinks I’m being mean, but I think I’m being cautious about my feelings. I love my husband and I want our marriage to work off love and trust. When you get married, a lot of things change and you have to be willing to give a little in order to get. You have to be willing to sacrifice what you are attached to and change for the better. I think my communication since my last break up has been a little better. I have learned to listen first and then respond. I have taught myself that I am never always right and I do need to trust more. My husband has helped me and I think that’s why my communication is better. I think in the future I will have more effective skills when talking to people. I need to talk a little better with my husband and with my employees. The organizational information theory builds upon general system theory and focuses on the complexity of information management within an organization. The theory addresses how organizations reduce equivocality, or uncertainty through a process of information collection, management and use. This theory could be based on how you can organize a way to gather information if you were trying to conduct a meeting. When you work in a company, you will have meeting. These meetings are made to communicate what is going on in the work place. You might have some people that communicate to you on paper and you have to follow along, but most of the time you will have a person in front of you and a paper to follow. Where I work at, we have meetings that give us general information about the dos and don’ts that can go on in the work place. A lot of jobs have dos and don’ts and they are very important to follow them. We also have meeting to let our employees know what is going on and what is to come. At my second job, we have an informal meeting. We have all the employees come to the job and we talk about what is going on and does anyone have something they want to say. We try not to point the blame and we try to hear everyone out. I am the type of person that will listen first and act on it. Sometimes the communication you have with a person can get a bit heated that’s why you want to make sure you are well organized. I think when I deal with my employees they try to take advantage of me. Some feel that I’m the same age as them, so they don’t want to show me respect. I demand my respect and that’s where it comes back to being organized. When you are trying to communicate with your boss or employees, you want to make sure you have all your ideas and viewpoints wrote down. I have recently become a preschool teacher and we have a lot of paper work that has to be turned in. We have to make sure that we are organized at all times and that we communicate, so we can have all or paperwork done correct. When you are a school teacher, you have to communicate with the kids, the parents, and you’re other workers. During the years, we have parent meetings to give the parents a chance to voice their opinion and to see what their children do every day. We also have to have the children on an organization level. We set a time so that they can transition from one place to the other. We have to keep their little mines organized on what we do day by day. If we can stay on schedule, they get use to doing the same thing every day. We have to keep folders on each child and making sure that it stays organized so that we can communicate with the parent is very effective. I know that learning these communication theories will help me as a teacher. I have to make sure my communication skills stay on top. In the future, when I go on to become the best teacher I know I can be I want my children to have the same communication skills I have. During this class, I have learned about many different communication theories and they all have something in common. We have learned that communication can come in many different ways and we communicate every day. In my line of work, I have to make sure my communication is soft and kind because I deal with children. I think there are ways that we communicate depending on the people we talk to. When we are at work we communicate on a professional level and we know what to say and what not to say. We have to make sure that we remember what type of surroundings we are in. When we are communicating with family, we might have another way of communicating. We might say hello or maybe give each other a kiss; we might shack hands and we might not say anything at all. I know when I talk to my family I always say hello and then we might kiss each other on the cheek. My sisters and I always greet each other in a unique way. We might fight, but we always have a good communication and we always say we love each other. When I communicate with my kids, I have to stay calm and remember that they are children. Sometimes they can do things that will make you so mad, but I remain calm and talk to them like they are supposed to be talked to. When you talk to your children, we have to learn that they are little people and we have to have an understanding that we are the parents. As I progress in the future, I will try to learn how to communicate better with my coworkers because we don’t get along all the time. The reason is that we fail to communicate on a serious level. We all have something to say and some might want to point the blame, but that doesn’t solve anything. I have to learn that my communication can be much calmer. I would like to learn how to control my communication and the way I deliver it. I also want to learn how to communicate better in my marriage. I know that I can a little hot head, and I need to learn how to talk to my spouse in a calmer manner. Sometimes I think I’m always right, so communication I think is my biggest challenge. Reference Page www. bing. com/ communication theories www. wikipedia. com www. ask. com/ communication theory
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Voice Viewpoint How to Choose the Right Narrator for Your Novel
Voice Viewpoint How to Choose the Right Narrator for Your Novel How do you choose the right viewpoint and narrator for your novel? Last updated: 07/10/2017We have the chance to work with some exceptionally talented and experienced editors at Reedsy. Kristen Stieffel is one of them: a writer, editor, and writing coach, she specializes in speculative fiction. Today, she shares her expert advice on viewpoint and narrators. Ever wondered whether you should write your book using first or third person? You need to read this!Viewpoint, also known as point of view or POV, is one of the most complex facets of fiction. It is confusing and misunderstood, so viewpoint errors are among the most common errors editors see in new writers’ manuscripts. Confusion about viewpoint stems from the very words we use to describe it: close third person, limited third person, middle third person †¦ what do they mean? â€Å"Third person†doesn’t say anything about viewpoint. It only says you’re using he and she instead of I. "Viewpoint is not about pronouns. Viewpoint is about character." Think of viewpoint as a camera. Who’s carrying it? You have two choices: give it to a narrator, or give it to one or more characters.The omniscient narratorThe omniscient narrator knows everything and can share anyone’s thoughts at any time. He can, and often does, make value judgments about the characters in the story.Scrooge took his melancholy dinner in his usual melancholy tavern; and having read all the newspapers, and beguiled the rest of the evening with his banker’s-book, went home to bed. He lived in chambers which had once belonged to his deceased partner. They were a gloomy suite of rooms, in a lowering pile of building up a yard, where it had so little business to be, that one could scarcely help fancying it must have run there when it was a young house, playing at hide-and-seek with other houses, and forgotten the way out again.- Charles Dickens, A Christmas CarolThe girl stood up and walked to the end of the station. Across, on the other side, were ï ¬ elds of grain and trees along the banks of the Ebro. Far away, beyond the river, were mountains. The shadow of a cloud moved across the ï ¬ eld of grain and she saw the river through the trees.â€Å"And we could have all this,†she said. â€Å"And we could have everything and every day we make it more impossible.†- Ernest Hemingway, Hills Like White ElephantsThe narrator’s camera is mounted in the room, so we see and hear what’s going on, but we don’t know what the characters are thinking. Just as if we were waiting in the train station with this couple, all we can know is what we see and hear. If this scene were written from the viewpoint of either character, we would know that person’s thoughts. Revealing the thoughts of either one would reveal too much, so Hemingway chooses the impartial objective narrator. This style of narrator is also useful if the writer needs to show something happening- a volcano erupting, a bomb ticking, an asteroid hurtling through space- when no person is there to observe it. Any narrator may hold the camera. But only the omniscient and limited narrators provide commentary, though to differing degrees. The objective narrator is a silent observer, with an unremarkable, almost invisible, prose style. In omniscient viewpoint, and to a lesser extent in limited viewpoint, it’s possible for the narrator to have a distinct personality. I would go so far as to say that in omniscient viewpoint, it is necessary that the narrator persona have a distinct personality, like the narrator of A Christmas Carol.The drawback to all of these is that any narrator puts psychic distance between the reader and the character. The advantage is that you can reveal information not known to the characters, or known to one character but not another. The narrator of A Christmas Carol, for example, tells the reader what other people think of Scrooge- things he cannot know.Remember that your protagonist is not the viewpoint character. He is not carrying the camera. Your narrator h olds the camera, but he’s not a character in the story. He is a persona observing the story.On this other post, we look at what it means to give the viewpoint completely to the characters.Check out Kristen Stieffel’s profile on Reedsy here! And don’t forget to follow her on Twitter: @KristenStieffelWhat is your narrator preference when writing (or reading!) fiction? Let us know your thoughts on this, or any question for Kristen, in the comments below!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
D7 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
D7 - Assignment Example Likewise, the war that ensued in 1941 caused â€Å"white men went off to fight in a segregated military, and women and people of color filled the jobs in the defense industry previously reserved for white males†(American Experience: People & Events par. 3). Concurrently, a group of Mexican Americans who became enthusiastic in jazz began to don zoot suits, originally defined as â€Å"an African American youth fashion, closely connected to jazz culture, the zoot suit was co-opted by a generation of Mexican American kids, who made it their own†(American Experience: Zoot Suit Culture par. 1). When military servicemen drove by the thousands in Los Angeles, seen as a leisure spot as a playground for drinking, womanizing and engaging in fight, civilians detested the behavior and stirred tensions between servicemen and Mexican Americans. The constant tension between these groups over Mexican American girls provided the impetus for the Zoot Suit Riots that took place for more than one week in June of 1943 (American Experience: People & Events par. 8; Star xxiv; American Express:The Press and the Riot). The United Farmworkers Union (UFW) was primarily envisioned as an organization to reclaim â€Å"dignity for people who were marginalized by society†(Tejada-Flores, CEZAR CHAVEZ). Eventually, the UFW was reported to have evolved as a political force spurred from growing awareness of the need for Mexican Americans to participate in deciding on economic issues, electoral activity and cultural enhancement. This organization was presided by Cesar Chavez who was also instrumental in winning the battle for the farmers’ rights. However, setbacks from these victories cased the UFW to strike, to wit: â€Å"the UFW responded with strikes that led to the jailing of thousands. Many strikers were injured by violent attacks on the picket lines, and two were killed in dreveby shootings and attacks.. But the â€Å"inter-union†battle had left the public confused and made
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Airline Industry Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Airline Industry Analysis - Essay Example However, the industry is highly depended on the existing business cycles, weather, and political stability. According to industry data, Delta’s Cargo business contributes 40 percent of total revenues while Delta US contributes 27 percent of revenues with the rest coming from Delta International travel (Wood, 2008). Although Southwest Airlines has the highest market in US domestic travel, Delta has the highest revenue passenger Mile (RPM) and has reported the considerable increase in US domestic market share over the last six years. The company has undertaken measures in cost cutting through investing in aircraft that are more fuel-efficient and undertaking investments in technology in order to improve the efficiency of crew systems (Braun & Latham, 2014, p 56). Five forces analysis The five forces model is essential in understanding the attractiveness of the industry, the drivers of competitive edge and profitability in the industry. Michael Porter’s five forces mode l includes the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitutes, the bargaining power of buyers, the bargaining power of suppliers and degree of rivalry in the industry (Wood, 2008). The threat of new entrants Although the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 saw the entry of small low-cost carriers in the US market, the threat of new entrants remains high due to the high capital required to establish operations, the relative economies of scale of the international carriers and stringent regulatory and licensing process (Wood, 2008).
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Belonging Notes Essay Example for Free
Belonging Notes Essay †¢ Different environment atmosphere contributes to our sense of belonging. †¢ Adapting after a while strengthens the sense of belonging, knowing the place a bit, feeling comfortable. †¢ Shifting back to civilization, feels out of place, not belonging, shifting in with different surrounding. †¢ Upbringing places a part in our sense of belonging †¢ Technology-internet-find someone with the same interest and sense of belonging kicks in. E.g. Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Myspace. †¢ Perspective of others shifts our sense of belonging †¢ Obstacles and struggling creates a feel of not belonging and break apart a sense of security. †¢ Enjoyment and change of attitude (positive) helps build sense of belonging. †¢ After being placed in a different place, conditions, our experience alters our sense of belonging Example: Going on holidays and returning home, takes a period of time to feel the feeling of belonging again. †¢ Preparation doesn’t help with the sense of belonging. †¢ Being familiar to the way and knowing the comfort zone (when you are at a place you don’t know/never been to) supports sense of belonging. †¢ Stereotype media acceptance only through appearance- determining whether you belong or not. †¢ Belonging is a choice. †¢ Knowledge and stereotype makes others feel like they don’t belong. †¢ No desire to change belonging †¢ Belonging is a journey †¢ Individuals don’t feel like they belong due to self and the desire to not change. †¢ Belonging is everywhere, what you wear makes you belong to a certain brand, it all comes down to you whether you want to belong who wants you to belong. Remember along with â€Å"belonging†there is always â€Å"isolation†that follows. Responses †¢ Stronger responses shows the relationship/ significant between texts. †¢ Why do people do the things? – REPRESENATION e.g. why does the characters do those actions/ Why has the author/ artist/ producer make or use certain techniques instead of the others. * Choice of language, form, features and structure shape the meaning and influence responses. The choices are affluent by a composer’s sense of belonging. †¢ How is the concept of belonging conveyed through the text, people, relationships, ideas, places, events and society? †¢ Does it make a difference where the character belongs? †¢ Share some values of feelings -understanding a world in a different way shape in a peculiar way, different society- assumption to being Australian. †¢ Possibility present by a sense of belonging or not belonging Perception †¢ How an individual perception of belonging or not can vary, is shaped by his/her personal, cultural, historical and social context. ASPECTS OF BELONGING: †¢ Experiences †¢ Notion of identity †¢ Relationship †¢ Acceptance †¢ Understanding FORMULA TO ANSWER QUESTIONS: †¢ Identify †¢ Exemplify †¢ Explain †¢ Extrapolate SHORT STORY!: †¢ Do not abuse the concept of belonging too strongly †¢ Don’t use the word belonging †¢ Exclusion, acceptance, struggle †¢ Keep it simple, focus on the concept †¢ IMAGERY!- BOLD, CREATIVE COMBINATIONS TO ACHIEVE ORIGINALITY †¢ Simile, metaphor or personification †¢ SHOW DON’T TELL †¢ Short story-hook reader in the first two lines, straight into action †¢ Explode a moment, two characters, one setting †¢ READ SHORT STORIES †¢ Turning point-climax-should not be death-with too quick-carefully state the relationship. TWISTA TALE †¢ Dramatic beginning †¢ AVOID-irrelevant background info on your character †¢ Character should be revealed through dialogue and actors. †¢ Avoid: lots of internal dialogue †¢ Use experience of own †¢ Close to own world-reflect truth (you can utilize jargon to add a little touch of truth.) †¢ Use paragraphs! †¢ AVOID romance (genre) Fantasy†¦ YOU HAVE 40 minutes to WRITE A DECENT STORY! †¢ Allow the audience to add to the story †¢ DO NOT CONCENTRATE ON THE PLOT – YOU WANT TO SHOW BELONGING! †¢ Recommended to be 4 PGS †¢ Note: The creative writing section to Paper One does not have to be a narrative. EXAM †¢ Have at least two great storylines YOU CAN TWIST to suit any type of belonging questions. †¢ Remembering a story can be risky especially if you walk into the exam and through the reading time, you might have a panic attack. Dos DON’Ts †¢ Let the Q drive and shape your response †¢ Blend your understanding of belonging with the question †¢ DON’T put the questions in your introduction †¢ Thesis or statement throughout response – A MUST †¢ Use the text to support or challenge the thesis or concepts †¢ SPECIFIC TOPIC+ ATTITUDE/ANGLE/ARGUMENT=THESIS †¢ What you plan to argue +how you plan to argue it=THESIS †¢ DO NOT RE-COUNT OR RE-TELL TEXT †¢ ANALYSISEVALUATE TEXT †¢ NO OPINION FOR READERS ESSAY STUFF 1. Thesis-map guide reader 2. Connection between text, comparison or pattern 3. Techniques and contrasts 4. Use cohesive devices E.g. similarity, by contrast, parallel 5. Use topic sentences 6. Support all statement with references to text 7. Vocab for belonging – the better your vocab and structure contributes to an AWESOME MARKS! 8. Quotes + short quotes support what you say, don’t put any quotes that does not support thesis. (Short quotes are best, try to integrate them in your sentence they are easier to remember – it’ll provide the flow for the reader/marker when they are reading†¦. Remember they are reading a trillion PAPERS with some hideous handwriting.) Related pieces FILM †¢ JUST FIND ONE PART OR SECTION TO ANALYSIS †¢ PICK TEXT THAT MAKES READER STAND UP-FIND OWN †¢ Integrate the HOW techniques+ make it personal †¢ Don’t try to write everything down: capture key points †¢ 3-5 related pieces recommended BUT THREE SHOULD BE MORE THAN ENOUGH! Things to remember when choosing your related texts: †¢ Try and get a variety of different types. E.g. If you are doing a novel, go searching for a visual piece such as a film or artwork or a picture book. E.g. Frida Kahlo, Kathe Kollwitz. †¢ QUALITY: Do something that you know not many people will do; YOU WANT TO STAND OUT OF THE CROWD and show the markers you know your stuff. †¢ Make sure you can connect your text to belonging†¦ REMEMBER it does not have to be similar to your prescribed text as long as it has some sort of representation of belonging. †¢ Does it play your strength? Try to do something you are passionate or interested in. You will do so much better. †¢ DO NOT FORGET YOUR THESIS! SHORT ANSWERS †¢ Be Specific †¢ Can capitalize on other answers to answer another question. †¢ WRITE ACCORDING TO MARKS – if it id worth two marks DON’T write HALF A PAGE! †¢ TIMING- BALANCE!!! †¢ In this section LOOK for anything that symbolizes a connection, affiliation, relationship AND OF COURSE BELONGING! †¢ Main questions are HOW? WHAT? 11 points concerning belonging 1. Family 2. Friends 3. Belonging to place/national identity 4. Race 5. Religion 6. Political 7. Profession 8. Lifestyle 9. Learn spirit shared identity When studying for English. †¢ HAND WRITE!!! †¢ TIME yourself †¢ Find a quiet environment where you will not be disturbed for a certain time. †¢ PRACTICE! Break down the paper if you want †¢ Get any questions on â€Å"Belonging†pick up your pen and WRITEWRITE! †¢ The teachers are there for a REASON SO USE THEM- this goes for all subjects! If you don’t understand something shovel your hand up in the air, it is likely that others don’t understand it too OR chase after them at recess/lunch. †¢ Place quotes around the house like a crazy person on colorful cardboard and stick them around the house WHERE YOU KNOW you will always see them. †¢ When you have time do not leave it to the last minute. Grab your notes out and start cutting it down. It is a killer when you have to do it A WEEK before the actual HSC exams. †¢ If you know your stuff, you should be confident in crashing and burning the HSC AOS English paper!
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Superior Flexor Muscle Cells :: Biology Essays Research Papers
Effects of Extracellular Potassium Concentration on Membrane Potentials in Crayfish Superior Flexor Muscle Cells Intracellular measurement of membrane potentials in cells of the crayfish superficial flexor muscle can reveal the effects of varying the extracellular concentrations of potassium ion on the resting potential. Our results suggest that at high extracellular potassium concentrations, the resting potential resembles that of the potassium’s equilibrium potential, and at low potassium concentrations, resting potential is less related to potassium equilibrium potential. We suggest that the equilibrium potential of other ions, especially sodium, contribute more heavily to the resting potential when extracellular potassium concentration is low, which accounts for the resting potential having a less negative voltage than the potassium equilibrium potential. The determination of resting potential by the equilibrium potentials of numerous ions reduces the effect that concentration changes in any single ion will have on the resting potential, lending stability to neural cell function even during changing environmental conditions. We tested the effect of extracellular potassium concentration on membrane potentials in the crayfish superficial flexor muscle cells. We compared five different extracellular concentrations of K+ and measured resting potentials by recording extracellularly and intracellulary, using an electrode that was inserted into the muscle via a micropipette. Our results confirm the relationship between voltage across the membrane and equilibrium potentials of the most prevalent ions that is stated by the Goldman Equation. Micropipettes were constructed from capillary tubes with tip diameter of a fraction of a micron. A micropipette and holder were filled with 3M KCl; use of this saturated solution ensured that intracellular K+ did not diffuse from the cell up the pipette. The top of the holder, which connected to the Neuroprobe amplifier circuitry, contained an Ag/AgCl electrode to prevent the hydrolysis of water, which would have created bubbles of hydrogen gas that would interfere with current conduction. The crayfish superficial muscle was exposed by making a U-shaped cut in the dorsal carapace and removing the dorsal muscles, leaving only the ventral carapace, its attached muscles, and possibly the nerve cord. This region was then placed in a small plasticene dish covered with one of five crayfish Ringers’ solutions. Normal (1x) crayfish Ringer’s solution contained [K+] = 5.4 mM and was used as a control; the four experimental solutions contained [K+] of .54 (.1x), 16.2 (3x), 54 (10x), and 162 (30x) mM respectively. Despite the non-uniformity of total osmolarity, the proportion of K+ to Cl-, the other important diffusible ion, remained constant, satisfying the Donnan Equilibrium.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
My Passion for Reading and its Contribution to My Personal Growth
My passion for extensive and penetrative reading has unequivocally confirmed the truth of a statement once made by the 18th century French Philosopher, Dennis Digerot, â€Å"Only passions, great passions can elevate the soul to great things.†My soul, not merely my intellect, has indeed been elevated to greatness!I began cultivating a reading culture at the age of four, in my Nursery-school days because I appreciated the teachings of my parents and teachers regarding the treasures hidden in the reading culture. Thus I read whatever I could find that caught my fancy.But reading whatever caught my fancy soon gave way to a discriminatory reading habit, because against the moral sense of decency and progressiveness which I owe to my upbringing, I weighed and sifted every idea I came upon.My selection of books soon narrowed to national newspapers, academic literature, poetry and dramatic literature as well as works of political and academic critics.Customarily, I read these selecti ons not as means to an end but as a matter of personal interest in the ideas and information they offered. For instance, I did not read academic books merely to pass my exams but tried to unearth the eye-opening ideas they contained, the sophistication to which they drew attention, and the refinement in mind and in character they recommended.Today, I have a celebrated sense of intellectual discrimination; I know my rights from my wrongs; I have a discerning sense of beauty and appreciation in matters of morals, fashion, arts and literature; I have a mind independent enough to have an uninfluenced say in nearly any matter. I feel my intellect and my soul unfold to the academic and spiritual promise of their individuality!
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Factors Affecting Program Selection of Selected Polytechnic University of the Philippines
It is well acknowledge that education environment is an important element in determining students' ability to reach their fullest quality (dealing Jar. Et al. , 2006). Education is a medium of shaping students' ability and behavior. It is a process wherein one can achieve social competence. And also, it is through education that different knowledge can be transported and disseminated to everyone. Educational institutions also play an important tool in developing the students as they mold their mind and intellect.One of the famous and competitive educational institutions in the Philippines is the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP). It is a public, non – sectarian and non – profit institution of higher learning which aids to strengthen the students' potentials. In today's environment, students select programs based on the quality of placement they are likely to get after the completion of their studies. In the case of the students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), the students aspire to Join those programs which ensure for a gainful employment.There are programs which are dominating from the other programs. It is due to the fact that some programs doesn't remises good placement for the students. Students formulate decisions throughout their college career, and decision- making is an important building block in the learning process. F. Yates, Venison, & Petulant (2003), defined decision as â€Å"a commitment to a course of action that is intended to produce a satisfying state of affairs. †Decision – making is essential because it makes things possible to take up the most excellent course of accomplishment in carrying out a given assignment.When there are different ways of performing a task, it becomes necessary to discover the greatest way and that is what decision-making is all about. The course of action finally selected would produce the best outcome. The program selection decisions of students are amo ng the most significant in the success of their education. It is vital to select carefully a program in order to fully accomplish their goals in life and to have a better and good quality future. Program selection is necessary for the reason that it helps us decides what our own lives what to be like.Particularly, the researchers aim to determine the factors affecting program selection of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) students at Star. Mesa, Manila. Statement of the Problem The main purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting program selection of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) students. Specifically, the study aims to answer the following research questions: 1 . What are the respondents' profile as to age, gender, socio economic status and program? 2. What are the factors affecting program selection of the respondents? 3.Is there a relationship between the respondents' profile and their selection of programs? 4. What are the possible recommendations that can aid future college students in selecting their programs? Significance of the Study Through this study, future college freshmen students will have insights on the factors affecting present college students on how they select their degree programs and this will also serve as a guide in choosing their own programs wisely as they go on to college. This study will also provide some insights to present college students if in case they want to shift programs.This study will also profit the parents so that they will realize how important they are as a source of encouragement in which children are free to explore different areas of program selection. This study will look forward in giving their children n assurance to acquire quality education that would enable them to obtain better job, better income, and brighter future. This can also benefit guidance counselors from the different public and private high schools so that they can discuss the factors affect ing program selection of college students to current fourth year high school students and to guide them to choose their own programs carefully.The findings will serve as a guide to different universities and colleges so that they will know the most preferred programs of the students. This will also contribute to the government, most especially the Commission on Higher Education, for them to fully understand the state of the students of today, and for them to give appropriate action. This will also be helpful to future researchers so that they will have a guide and a reference for future study. This will also make them aware of the factors affecting college students' program selection.Scope and Delimitation of the Study This study deals on the factors affecting program selection of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) students located at Star. Mesa, Manila which is the main campus of the said university. The researchers limit the respondents to 100 elected Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) students. Definition of Terms In order to fully understand the research, it is important to have an in-depth understanding of the terms being used by the researchers.These are the following: Commitment is remaining steadfast and true to your principles and goals, no matter how much dust is kicked up on the path ahead. It means reminding yourself of the obligations you have – not solely to other people but to yourself – and honoring those obligations (Raman, 2007). Education is an act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, evolving the powers of reasoning and Judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life Jackson, 2008). Gainful employment is a general term referring to a Job, especially a Job that a student takes after graduation (Local, 2011).Institutions are the kinds of structures that matter most in the social realm: they make up the stuff of social life (Hodgkin, 2006). Kno wledge is to represent reality in thought or experience the way it really is on the basis of adequate grounds (Moreland, 2008). Non – Sectarian means not restricted to one sector school or party (Russell, 2012). Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) is a government educational institution by Republic Act Number 8292 known as the Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997, and its Implementing Rules and Regulations contained in the Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Circular No. , series 1997 (Polytechnic University of the Philippines, 2010). Quality is a measure of excellence; quality defines desirable characteristics of a product, a process, or a service (Hatfield, 2012). Selection is an act or instance of selecting or the state of being selected; choice (Yoder, 2011). Social Competence is the ability to get along well with oneself and with his environment (Adler, 2012). CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Program selection is the process of decision-mak ing.A great number of studies, researches, and write-ups has been conducted for a period of time and still emerged as one of the top-priority researches due to rapid changing and need of time. This chapter is the presentation of literature and studies from foreign to local which may directly or indirectly bearing to study at hand. Relevance to present studies will give a big picture why these literature and studies from foreign to local re used. Local Literature According to Syrians and Roses (1989), career planning is life goal-setting. Without such a plan, it is like making a Journey to an unfamiliar destination without a map.He proposed a Career Planning Guide that will help the students in choosing their appropriate program from planning a career, steps in planning career, goal- setting and self-understanding. Also, it reveals that guidance and counseling is intervention of underemployment individuals and career preparedness must be initiated. Foreign Literature According to Goo finess's Developmental Theory of Occupational Aspirations, it ascribes how people become attracted to certain occupations. Self-concept in career development is the key factor to career selection and people want Jobs that are compatible with their self-image.The key determinants of self-concept are one's social class, level of intelligence, and experiences. Roe's need approach emphasized that early childhood experiences play an important role in finding satisfaction in one's chosen field. The need structure of the individual, according to Roe, would be greatly influenced by early childhood frustrations and satisfactions. According to John Holland (2004), persons are paying attention to a given career by their particular personalities and various variables that represent their backgrounds.First of all, career choice is an expression of, or an extension of personality into the world of work followed by succeeding classification with particular working stereotypes. In view of that, one selects a program to satisfy preferred modal personal orientation. Modal personal orientation is a developmental process established through heredity and the individual's life history of reacting to environmental demands. If the individual has developed a strong dominant orientation, satisfaction is probable in a corresponding occupational environment.If, however the orientation is one of indecision, the livelihood of satisfaction diminishes. Local Studies According to the study conducted by Assign (1994), it was found out that the students' self-concept showed no significant influence on their career preferences. The academic achievements of students proved to be significant related to their program selection. The school were students came from had no influence on their choice of program. He recommends that a more improved and functional guidance revived in school to help students make sound career choices.The guidance services in school must be collaborative efforts of the admini strator, guidance counselors, and teachers. Classroom teachers are encouraged to do their best in improving teaching learning processes, considering that academic achievement of student influences their career preferences. Another study conducted by Lamellar (2003), it was found out that a large image off big family with low educational achievement and insufficient savings was the only basis of choosing a program, which was psychologically motivated. The exponent's level of preferred intelligence did not match to their chosen program.This could be drawn from the required level of the course in contrast with their level of preferred intelligence. The necessity of developing a career development program was need in order to prevent any misfits and to assist students in the process of crystallizing their career in life. She recommended that this program be effectively implemented. Foreign Studies According to the study conducted by Garage (2007), it was found out that by increasing car eer development activities, which includes setting career goals, students had a higher self-esteem.Maybe even more important, however, is that students were more satisfied about the education they were receiving. This will, in turn, hopefully lead to students having a deeper desire and commitment to succeed in their education. Another outcome of a higher self-esteem is that those students chose more difficult goals than students with low self-esteems. She noted that excellent detailed plan for teaching parents and teachers how to teach young students to set career goals.The plan requires a total community effort through educators, parents, and businesses. Students must be given an opportunity to identify and explore their desired careers. They can accomplish this through the â€Å"School to Work Transition†or â€Å"Job Shadowing Program. †Through the cooperative efforts of the entire community, students can identify career choices, set career goals, and have higher s elf-esteems at an early age. Ultimately, they will further their education and have a better chance of succeeding in the â€Å"do or die†world in which we live.CHAPTER Ill Research Methodology This chapter presents in detail the research method and design used, the sampling scheme, the description of the respondents, the survey instrument used for gathering the data, and the statistical treatment of the data. Research Method The major goal of the study was to find out the factors affecting program selection of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) students. The researchers used the descriptive method which is a statistical procedure concerned with describing the characteristics and properties of persons, places or things.It is also based on easily verifiable facts. The descriptive method, describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. It is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations. Research Design T he research plan of the study conducted a survey to Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) students in the form of descriptive method wherein the researchers evaluated the factors affecting program selection of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) students.The study made use of personal data sheet and survey questionnaire which is planned to gather quantitative and qualitative information. In which the researchers was able to assess the results that served as the foundation in the making of the conclusion and recommendations of the research. Population Frame and Sampling Scheme The research is focused only on Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) dents; the researchers used selective sampling with the use of target population.The sampling scheme was conducted on Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) to go well with the purpose of the study which is to find out the factors affecting program selection of the Polytechnic University of the Phi lippines (PUP) students. Description of Respondents A total of 100 students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines were used as the subject of this study. The respondents' ages ranged from 16 years old and above. Survey Instrument The personal data sheet was used as one of the survey instrument to get the exponents' profile, especially age, gender, socio economic status and programs they were in.The survey questionnaire was used as the instrument in gathering the data. There were only one (1) item; the question corresponds to factors affecting program selection of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) students in the form of multiple choice questions. Data Gathering Method(s) and Procedures The researchers requested from the adviser to assist in the validation, finalization, and approval of the instrument. The researchers administered the survey in the form of questionnaires to the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) students.The survey results were s ubjected to data analysis and from the findings, conclusions and recommendations were drawn. Statistical Analysis of Data The researchers used the percentage method and mean value for the analysis of data. The percentage method was used to express how large or small one quantity is, relative to another quantity. It is defined by the formula: The mean is the sum of all of the data values divided by the number of data values. It is defined by the formula: where: I x = sum of all the sample observed n = total number of sample observedCHAPTER RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter aims to present how the data are analyzed, and interpreted. The data were organized as to the condition of the study, which is to determine the factors affecting program selection of selected Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) students. They were presented through graphs and tables for easier understanding. The data were taken from the personal data sheet and the survey questionnaire. Respondents' Pr ofile The following charts and tables show the profile of the respondents as to age, gender, socio-economic status and program.TABLE 1 Distribution of Respondents' as to Age Table one shows the distribution of the age of the respondents. The age of the respondents with the highest frequency is eighteen (18) years old with thirty-four (34) percent while the age with the lowest frequency is sixteen (16) years old, having a percentage of three (3). FIGURE 1 Distribution of Respondents' as to Gender Figure one shows the distribution of the respondents as to gender. Majority of the respondents are females, with sixty (60) percent while the remaining forty (40) percent are males.FIGURE 2 Distribution of Respondents' as to Socio -Economic Status Figure two shows that majority of the respondents, which is 44%, belong to average class (PH 14, 700 – PH 22, 300) of the monthly household income bracket, while 34% of the respondents were classified as lower class (PH 5,200- PH 14, 700). T here were 15% of the respondents who belong to the upper class (PH 22, 300 – Above), and 7% were from the poor (Below PH 5, 200) of the monthly household income bracket. TABLE 2 Distribution of Respondents' Based on Their Program Table three shows the programs of the respondents.The program with the highest weight value is ‘Bachelor in Communication Research' with a mean of 0. 8. Eleven (11) programs tied for the last rank, with 0. 01 mean rating. Respondents' Factors on Program Selection This part discussed the different factors affecting program selection of the respondents. The researchers based the choices on other researches. The researchers provided 24 factors. The respondents were asked to choose five factors. TABLE 3 Distribution of Respondents' on the Factors Affecting Program Selection Table two shows the factors affecting program selection of the respondents.The factor ‘Based on my passion' got the highest weight value with a mean rating of 0. 27, Acade mic achievements' ranked second with a mean rating of 0. 23, ‘My Ideals' on the third with 0. 18 mean rating, and, ‘Compensates high income' and â€Å"Level of intelligence' tied at the rank 4. 5, with a mean rating of 0. 16. Relationship between the Respondents' Profile and Program Selection This part show the relationship of the respondents' profile and program selection by analyzing the data connected to every variable.Syntheses were used in order to support the explanation of the researchers. Based on the data gathered, majority of the respondents are on the 18 year old age bracket. According to Wilkinson (2010), the start of being matured is when a person reached eighteen years old. As a matured student, they are likely to have more confidence in themselves, as they've been around longer and seen more things, which can give them greater understanding of the program your about to select. Based on the data gathered, majority of the respondents are females.According t o Bureau of Labor Statistics, among high school graduates, females were more likely to attend college than males. Once enrolled in college, females were less likely than males to leave college between school years. Females tend to value higher education ore highly than males do and believe it has had a more positive impact on their lives. This is because males often mature more slowly than females. According to Pillion (2006), females are more interested in learning than males because they are more motivated to improve, to achieve their goals and to perform well in whatever they do.And also, according to Mottos (2006), Females love to learn and gain knowledge because they know that being excellent academically means that they would get better Jobs for their future. Based on the data gathered, most of the respondents fall under the average class. According to Midland and Bunker (201 1), people living in average or middle class societies are more involved in school activities. They al so push to raise educational standards and put more pressure on school administrators to fire or transfer bad teachers.And some of the culture and behaviors that middle-class parents pass on to their children about education, such as valuing school achievement and attending school, are thought to come from their middle position in society with a level of income and security that makes them neither rich nor poor. All of the factors mentioned above helps boost educational achievement. Also, students in average or middle class societies tend to be healthier students academically. Based on the data gathered, majority of the respondents came from Bachelor in Communication Research. â€Å"The major is wonderful because the classes you take are so diverse.The professors in this major really care about their students and want us to succeed. The classes are the perfect size to make new friends and get to know your professors well. I would highly recommend this major†(Kari Event, 2006 ). According to Holloway (2006), Bachelor in Communication Research is the mostly picked program by the students cause it helps them to learn and develop the key skills they need to function in life instead of other programs. Communication is a fundamental needed to maintain work relationships, intimate relationships, family relationships and friendship.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
THE MORAL ARGUMENTS AND POLITICAL ACTIONS OF THOSE OPPOSED T essays * ASSESS THE MORAL ARGUMENTS AND POLITICAL ACTIONS OF THOSE OPPOSED TO THE SPREAD OF SLAVERY IN THE CONTEXT OF TWO OF THE FOLLOWING. In the 18th and 19th centuries, land was a major commodity as the U.S. was able to collect large amounts of it and expand its territories all the way to the Pacific Ocean. With these lands came the issue of slavery. There were many people that opposed the institution of slavery while others who supported it. There were moral arguments that were made that stated it was a gross violation of a sacred pledge to allow slavery to exist. While others believed that slavery in new territories would mean more power for the south, many northerners opposed. These debates led to growing disputes amongst both sides and southerners spoke of secession in the south endlessly.            In 1819, the key issue of slavery was brought up when a debate arose of whether to admit Missouri as a slave or free state into the United States. Many people who lived in Missouri were of southern descent and had moved there in order to seek land for farming. Many of these people pushed for slavery and wanted Missouri to become a slave state. However, doing so would create a shift in government, as the South would gain more power. Finally, in 1820, the Missouri Compromise was made, which was engineered by Henry Clay. It stated that Missouri would enter as a slave state however Maine, formerly a part of Massachusetts, will be admitted as a free state. In addition, a prohibition on slavery was made on any land above the 36-30 parallel, the southern boundary of Missouri. This ultimately saved the Union from its first great sectional crisis over slavery, however many more were inevitable.            In the mid 1800's, the idea of a transcontinental railroad was proposed that would run from the western parts of the U.S. to the eastern cities. This would help to spread American democr...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Newspapers and the Future of Print Journalism
Newspapers and the Future of Print Journalism For anyone interested in the news business, it’s hard to avoid the sense that newspapers are at death’s door. Every day brings more news of layoffs, bankruptcies, and closings in the print journalism industry. But why are things so dire for newspapers at the moment? Decline Begins With Radio TV Newspapers have a long and storied history that dates back hundreds of years. While their roots are in the 1600s, newspapers thrived in the U.S. well into the 20th century. But with the advent of radio and later television, newspaper circulation (the number of copies sold) began a gradual but steady decline. By the mid-20th century, people simply didn’t have to rely on newspapers as their only source of news anymore. That was especially true of breaking news, which could be conveyed much more quickly via broadcast media. And as television newscasts became more sophisticated, television became the dominant mass medium. This trend accelerated with the rise of CNN and 24-hour cable news networks. Newspapers Begin to Disappear Afternoon newspapers were the first casualties. People coming home from work increasingly turned on the TV instead of opening a newspaper, and afternoon papers in the 1950s and 1960s saw their circulations plunge and profits dry up. Television also captured more and more of the advertising revenue that newspapers had relied on. But even with Television grabbing more and more audience and ad dollars, newspapers still managed to survive. Papers couldn’t compete with television in terms of speed, but they could provide the kind of in-depth news coverage that TV news never could. Savvy editors retooled newspapers with this in mind. More stories were written with a feature-type approach that emphasized storytelling over breaking news, and papers were redesigned to be more visually appealing, with a greater emphasis on clean layouts and graphic design. Emergence of the Internet But if television represented a body blow to the newspaper industry, the World Wide Web may prove to be the nail in the coffin. With the emergence of the internet in the 1990s, vast amounts of information were suddenly free for the taking. Most newspapers, not wanting to be left behind, started websites in which they essentially gave away their most valuable commodity- their content- for free. This model continues to be the predominant one in use today. Many analysts now believe this was a fatal mistake. Once loyal newspaper readers realized that if they could conveniently access news online for free, there seemed to be little reason to pay for a newspaper subscription. Recession Worsens Prints Woes Economic hard times have only accelerated the problem. Revenue from print ads has plunged, and even online ad revenue, which publishers had hoped would make up the difference, has slowed. Websites like Craigslist have eaten away at classified ad revenue. â€Å"The online business model just won’t support newspapers at the level Wall Street demands,†says Chip Scanlan of The Poynter Institute, a journalism think tank. â€Å"Craigslist has decimated newspaper classifieds.†With profits plunging, newspaper publishers have responded with layoffs and cutbacks, but Scanlan worries this will just make things worse. â€Å"They’re not helping themselves by whacking sections and laying people off,†he says. â€Å"They’re cutting the things that people look for in newspapers.†Indeed, that’s the conundrum facing newspapers and their readers. All agree that newspapers still represent an unrivaled source of in-depth news, analysis, and opinion and that if papers disappear entirely, there will be nothing to take their place. What the Future Holds Opinions abound as to what newspapers must do to survive. Many say papers must start charging for their web content to support print issues. Others say printed papers will soon go the way of the Studebaker and that newspapers are destined to become online-only entities. But what actually will happen remains anybody’s guess. When Scanlan thinks of the predicament the internet poses for newspapers today, he’s reminded of the Pony Express riders who in 1860 started what was meant to be a speedy mail delivery service, only to be rendered obsolete a year later by the telegraph. â€Å"They represented a great leap in communication delivery but it only lasted a year,†Scanlan says. â€Å"As they were whipping their horses into a lather to deliver the mail, beside them were these guys ramming in long wooden poles and connecting wires for the telegraph. It’s a reflection of what changes in technology mean.â€
Sunday, November 3, 2019
International retail marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
International retail marketing - Essay Example As per the traditional concept, the marketing mix has four major components i.e. product, price, promotion and place. However, with emerging complexity of servicing industry, many academics have identified additional three Ps in marketing mix for services which are people, process and physical evidence. Moreover, the concept of marketing mix has become more specific and consumer centric for better business management by creating value for the consumers. Hence, four Cs i.e. consumers, cost, communications and convenience is more relevant for effective business management. Office Shoe is a popular shoe retailer chain of UK and it is planning to expand its marketing in the Swedish retail market. In order to successful market entry and for long term growth, it is very necessary to analyse the multiple macro-economic and consumers related factors. Considering these factors, Office Shoe should develop a set of plausible marketing mix strategies. Identification of culture and features of th e prevailing consumers is the priority of the retailer. Moreover, it also needs to restructure its business organisation through the method of retailing which is the best as it is very helpful in figuring out the necessary areas for retail business development. Introduction The task of handling the strategic business management has changed significantly due to a number of factors. Globalisation, increasing international trade activities has upgraded the business management process. The post-modern organisations have realized the importance of distinct management structure and strategic process for different types of business. For example, service industry and manufacturing industry have their different value chain process and organisational structure which required a focused and specific management system. Moreover, the interactions with customers are also very different as in most of the cases service providers have a direct interactions with their consumers; whereas, the manufactu ring organisation have very limited scope in this respect (Greasley, 1999, p.2). However, the core essence of the business management remains the same i.e. to maximise the wealth of stakeholders through value creation method. This paper will attempt to present major aspect of international retail marketing focusing on the structure of domestics and international marketing mix of retailing business. The discussion will involve the Office Shoes, a popular U.K.-based domestic shoe retailer. This shoe retail chain store was established during 1981 and experienced an extreme successful business growth all over UK. It is present in more than 15 local regions of UK (Office Shoe-a, n.d.). It offers more than 100 ranges of international and domestic shoe brand like Adidas, Reebok, Nike, Converse, Puma, Swedish Hasbeens and many more for males, females as well as kids. Besides, it also offers leather accessories like bags, belts etc tots female consumers (Office Shoe-b, n.d.). This paper will present a set of proper international marketing mix for the Office Shoe’s expansion in Sweden’s market. Marketing Mix Marketing mix is a celebrated term and theory in the field of marketing management practises. With constant changes in management theories practises, many new concepts have been incorporated in the concept of marketing mix. Primarily, marketing mix consists of four basic elements of marketing i.e. product, price, promotion and place. It is the core essence and requirement framing effective marketing strategies. Frank has described that marketing mix
Friday, November 1, 2019
What drives facial diversity in primates (Central Hypothesis is Social Research Paper
What drives facial diversity in primates (Central Hypothesis is Social factors are more important in driving primate facial diversity.) - Research Paper Example Many researchers have resolved that social factors have the prevalent contribution in the emergence of primate facial diversity. Facial characteristics of primates are complex structures that are designed to fulfill several purposes. Primate face is made up of various phenotypes as it integrates various parts such as eyes, ears, nose, hair and patches of skin. All these organs differ in their traits and functions. These parts have different location, origin, colour, size and shape (Cartmill and Smith, 2009). The nature and shape of the elements in a primate face is to a great extent determined by social factors. In many social animals, facial traits offer an adequate source of information that is significant in social interaction. The face is used to express signs regarding primate behaviours, condition and identity. Given the role of face in social interaction, it is sensible to assume that social factors have a crucial contribution in enhancing facial diversity in primates. Facial diversity in primates is explained by the differences in characteristics, shape, colour and size expressed by different primate in the world. According to biologists, facial diversity among primates is highly contributed to by emerging social factors (Bradley & Lawler, 2011). The essay below will present some of the important social factors in driving primate facial diversity. In this essay, the author will provide evidence on the contribution of both social and ecological factors in directing diversity in primates. The table above illustrates the nature of social interaction among different primates in the world. It shows the social status of different players in their social settings. From the table, it is clear that the social responsibility among male and female primates varies from one primate to another. According to the table, facial diversity is highly influenced by social setting which primates engage in. Many primates spend
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